Thursday, November 21, 2019

Bangkok 5 Star Luxury Hotels - MANDARIN ORIENTAL Full Suite Tour + 10 Fruits for Breakfast!

Hi I'm mark Wiens I'm in Bangkok

Thailand and we are all further on a

Bangkok food tour we live in Bangkok but

we're on the Bangkok food tour with the

hungry tourists and p-pop and we the

entire group that's on the food tour is

staying at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel

in Bangkok which is it's a very classic

hotel it's located on the river

it is old heritage of beautiful hotel a

very luxury hotel and when we checked in

we didn't even know that they really

took care of us it really upgraded us to

one of the premium rooms and so it's an

honor to have a chance to stay here for

a few nights we're gonna die I have to

give you a full tour of our room but for

right now we just woke up we're starting

for breakfast you're gonna go get

breakfast eat here and then I'm gonna

give you a full tour show you the pool

and then walk you give you a full tour

of our entire huge room

at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in

Bangkok good morning could I please have

the eggs benedict with salmon please

thank you very much breakfast is a full

buffet they have an entire fruit section

a really good high fruit section they

have a hot station where you can order

eggs they have another hot section where

you can eat meat I like roast and ham

and dim sum they have an entire noodle

cart being are you getting some dim sum

and they also have a fresh section with

bread with or with cold cut meats with

the oh the yogurt that the Oriental

house-made yogurt is what I've been

eating every day - it's really good I'm

gonna grab some fruit next I'm gonna

grab all the fruits they have a good

fruit selection papaya watermelon

spicy sausage

Oh wrong too


all right here we go yeah I was so

excited I just went to the wrong table

Eggs Benedict is one of the options that

you can get for eggs here an English

muffin the poached egg and the

hollandaise sauce but it's a little bit

different because they then like roast

they bake it so you can see that little

brown char but the eggs are just perfect

looking they're just nestled on there

you can see how jiggly it is and I can

almost guarantee it's gonna be like a

perfect yolk pop so let's just go right

in you can actually feel that like in

your fork just pop and there's salmon on

the on the bottom as well oh yeah that's


look at that like fluffy yolk enos of

that just scoop up that yolk

what's perfect about that is the eggs

themselves the poached eggs the broccoli

is awesome I'm gonna do a thing where it

taste every single fruit papaya

watermelon melon pineapple grapes banana

Rose apple jackfruit

I loved a fruit mango passionfruit


that is nice and sour and that completes

all ten fruits chase that with some of

the yogurt natural yogurt which I don't

have a chance to eat very often

wonderful natural sour really good


but they've done a really good job at

making this breakfast Brenda you get to

sit out here and in the morning at 7:00

a.m. it's though Bangkok can get pretty

hot in the daytime in the morning it's

quite cool at least during this season

Perry's going across the river really

really nice environment coupling gob

helping cup of my cup okay breakfast was

excellent I especially like their fruit

selection which is like one of the

biggest fruit selections of any hotel

that I've stayed at I think I'm just

gonna walk you around show you this

woman there's two swimming pools show

you the swimming pool real fast hello

oh here it is right here and then after

that I'll give you a full tour of our

room this is the small pool I think you

call this a plunge pool on this side

it's like waist-deep and then on this

side it's just like you can even just

lounge on it like a like a waterbed and

then you walk through the little pathway

to get to the Mayton this is yeah pretty

huge pool it's in the middle of the

courtyard of the of the hotel this is a

yeah deep and big pool where you can do

laps you can hang out and I also like

the tropical greenery the the palms and

the the hanging trees emerge from the

tropical beauty and then this is the

entrance into the hotel in the main


if you arrive this is where you'll get

dropped off this is the entrance area

there's a big seating section and then

if you go over onto that side that's

where the the main check-in the

reception is and then they they have

elevators and a lot of rooms on that

side but we have a room over on this

side come on inside and we are on

fourth floor it's really an honor to

stay in this room it is one of the most

luxurious one of the let me just tell

you I have never had a staircase in a

hotel room before and this room because

it's their case in our room it's like a

it's actually like an entire apartment

let's move on into the room okay

welcome to our room and after like three

nights of staying here I have finally

figured out how to turn on the lights

and how to open the curtains and I still

there are still things I haven't figured

out yet

Cheers or curtains that's the curtains

open this

it's kind of like for room sections it

really is an entire apartment it's a

suite and it's it's minimalistic but

like very elegant very like very

heritage feel to it and actually this

hotel has other Mandarin Oriental in

Bangkok Asia has a hundred and forty

years of history it was originally a

hotel I mean its strategic location

along the chao praya river where

seafarers and traders they would come

they would stay here and that eventually

turned into the Mandarin Oriental and

what it is today so this is the entrance

area there what could this be called

like the the dining room this is kind of

like a dining room they actually have a

full dining room table platter of fruit

which they replenish every day and a

platter of chocolates and this has

slowly kind of like diminished

everything is edible next room this is

kind of the lounge it's a lounge it's a

living room there's a TV there's sofas

in here there's an entire minibar this

is where I've been setting up my office

next to the window on the computer

editing video is sitting on this chair

yeah this is wonderful and then right

off of the lounge is an entire little

bar room check out this look this looks

like a cabinet but the entire thing is a

fridge like a full-size fridge I don't

think I've ever seen a fridge this size

in a room


and I've definitely been drinking way

too much espresso now I'm going to show

you the upstairs it's kind of a loft but

I don't think I have ever seen a

staircase in a single hotel room so

beautiful wooden staircase you come up

here this is the bedroom and the

bathroom what do you want to see first

bathroom welcome to the bathroom it's a

huge spacious bathroom and then what's

also impressive about is the amount of

marble the tub is marble the sink the

marble the floor marble the entire like

shower is marble and the toilet if you

happen to be taking a bath you can open

up the the window for quite a wonderful

view on the other side is the shower and

the shower is just pulling marbled out

yeah very very nice shower could even

sit on a slab of marble and then on the

other side is the toilet

welcome to the bedroom what's awesome is

that it's a loft style so this is the

lounge this is the living room below

here and then you can still see the huge

view of the cow pea River from the

bedroom hall and you just like totally

sink in that's like a it really I've

been sleeping on like on the cloud here

and the tour of the Mandarin Oriental

ends right here okay no I got to get up

ah and show you the closet full walk-in

closet it does have a door too close to

actually I'll just close myself in here

somebody could definitely sleep in here

there's a safe this is where our

suitcase we put our clothes here I have

no idea what's in here well it's like a

shoe brush and a shoehorn I should start

using this and that brings us to the end

of this room and hotel tour of the

Mandarin Oriental in Bangkok I want to

say a huge thank you to the Mandarin

Oriental for upgrading us to this

impressive room it really is the luxury

the Heritage the cleanness it's so clean

it's so well designed on top of the

amazing room the service here the staff

are so nice they're so helpful they've

been very very nice to us so thank you

to the Mandarin Oriental couple in Macau

and I hope you enjoyed this tour of our

hotel room suite at the Mandarin

Oriental Bangkok I'll have all the

information in the description box below

that you can check out and be sure to

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content and I will see you on the next

video thanks again for watching

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