Thursday, November 21, 2019

Seafood Thailand - GIANT TIGER SHRIMP at 1 Table Restaurant in Bangkok!

Hey everyone hope you're having an

amazing day it's mark Wiens I'm in

Bangkok Thailand and today for lunch

we're going to a restaurant the Thai

seafood restaurant that only has one

table it's a real restaurant but you

have to reserve the table they do one

meal for lunch and one meal for dinner

so two meals a day but just one table

I'm gonna share we're gonna have a

chance to watch them as they do some of

the cooking we're gonna eat a bunch of

seafood and I'm gonna share this entire

meal with you in this video okay and

here we are

what Oh here right into the bush haha so

do you copy here we are we have arrived

this really is like I mean it's inside

of their home in their compound that we

opened the gate we drove inside and

we're gonna be able to definitely to see

some of the cooking

I will have basic step inside and mercy

the one people connect

banana hand you would have to hire

younger 13e who are new the matada for

the guitar that we were to dtdt

Kalia house and they are connected habit

I didn't hear tapping deliver legal look

hackable in your butt

opening hello careful Tommy go to Tom

alumna who me

the my favorite oh my Vanya clearly of

loyola forgot to sang my hand why oh

hello did I p.m. what with the PI pom

pom comet will if I don't hum CCP's when

you gotta turn up not a can of oil look

I'm a lot hand Bobo I look Helen over

that time I miss Ortner time I'm I'm

just talking with the owner they're

actually from southern Thailand in the

province called yeah la but they get the

seafood from rot which is from the

eastern part of Thailand and it's one of

the best places in Thailand for seafood

and now just coming to the back yard

here where I think they're we're gonna

see some of the cooking

I got home knock up all those

ingredients or just in the kitchen now

so you have a proper full-size kitchen

Beckett very homestyle restaurant and

this seafood that they have they're

already steaming the back upon which is

this barramundi but they just pulled out

the massive tiger prawns that's like a

footlong a footlong tiger shrimp hear it

and eat this so they're so pretty

yeah they're getting straight to cooking

I believe that's a pail fish I'm in then

you just tossed it into hot water just

to like clean it basically and then for

those giant tiger shrimp they're gonna

grill those we're also getting a fish we

actually pre-ordered last night you got

a pre-order here as well so they have

the seafood so they know what you want


cuttlefish what he did is he scored them

just cut them so the guy that's gonna

like open them up then he seizes them

the garlic minced up some garlic some

soy sauce some other I think some white

pepper and then just mix that up into a

marinade and that's also the cuttlefish

is gonna grill as well after those tiger



I almost forget that about the clock

boon that we ordered and that's like a

it's a shrimp it's not really a salad

it's more of like a shrimp mix but it's

not a hot dish it's usually more of a

cold dish so he just blanched off those

shrimp and now he's gonna chop up food

ingredients to mix with it some of the


okay so for the backup um coming out

which is the Asian sea bass scheme you

just pulled out of a steamer and now

he's making the sauce which is that's

Nam stock like a broth that he uses put

in a bunch of chopped chilies found in

chilies and garlic and also into that

sauce went a bunch of fresh lime juice

and a bunch of fish sauce and he just

kind of starting that round but it only

being go let all the flavors from you

know that's going to go directly that's

gonna be just poured over the fish


it smells so good though man

the garlic the chilies the lime do the

acidity of that lime juice that fish

sauce they're all just melting and

mingling King are you eating Artie and I

cough get back up

okay first bite in the kitchen


and then the next day she is making his

plastics blue which is that was a

massive bowl of chilies that garlic

that's the bitch that she fried which is

a barracuda from Spotify what did

Barracuda fried the pieces of the fish

then he's stir frying it up butter

chilies now he's adding some spices all

around that's just gonna be baked in

chilies and garlic


and then for sure the reason I mean

their fish is so fresh their barramundi

it they keep a tank outside

I believe they get the fish and then

they just keep them here alive so that

until you eat them like that that makes

such a huge difference and everything


top quality top freshness and you taste

the difference and back to the dining

room to the single table to eat

everything is ready in like 30 minutes

well they just like flew on those

recipes all the food is ready everything

is on the table it is just one single

table everything they cook is for you

which is incredible and they're so like

hospitable and so welcoming that we

didn't order last night for your hands

but bouquet Dom which is a crab with

eggs a female crab it's kind of

marinated and then topped with seafood

sauce everything on the table looks good

so I'm just gonna have to try the first

thing that's in front of me and those

chilies are calling my name for the

first bite chilies and garlic are just

caked onto every single piece what they

did was they take only they had like

fillets of Barracuda slightly better

than deep-fried then they took out olive

oil then he stir-fried it in butter

chilies and just a heap of chilies and

garlic added in some seasoning and just

like that just thank God it's clinging

every piece of fish first bite to begin

to start off the seafood feast

all right oh definitely it's not as

spicy as it looks I think it's how much

flow keep it well yeah the chillers are

so flavorful and they will not even have

like a sour chili flavor to them with

that garlic it's just like sharp and

flavorful and that very good or just

it's so meaty

you just told me no bones comfort food

in the butter and garlic

I'm gonna have one more yes this has to

be with your ice yes what in the texture

of the because the Barracuda is so firm

it's like almost like chicken it's so

firm so that just holds up because it's

deep right it's twice cooked which just

I'm gonna add some more chilies and

garlic what a dish what uh what a flavor

just like bursting just outpouring from

those chilies and garlic have to eat the

whole plate before moving on to the next

dish ball okay let's move on to next no

I never you hydrated this is the

ultimate reducing fish there's so much

lime to so much

they're so much garlic

on to the rice let me just wait there

let me just add a little bit more of the

soup on there and again yeah

the chilies and garlic in the fresh fish

oh yeah all immediately with the spoon

to get the full flavor effect again it's

just like not just the real taste you

should and sharply sour the garlic like

singes your tongue a little bit you know

but chilies are not overpowering but

they're like immense flavor and then

just in kadai so freshness of ibaka home

because it's that texture the flakiness

that is a perfect up on the

monoxide which is just like it's

everything you want in that dish all

right let's do a massive prawn

jool making sure to save it as much of

the homily as possible kind of peel off

this bottom leg sections like thick that

mean it's it's like a it's like three

centimetres in diameter

dude the juices are just pouring out of

here - dude the thickness of that meat

took my arm my arm is just getting

sprayed by my prawn juice that is

amazing because it's curled but if

you're spread it out that's easily the

the size of your face almost

dipping sauce Joel that's - dude the two

together at the Uni - this is not a one


there's so thick and like the sweet and

muscular muscular nests of it while

they're numb Tim the seafood sausage

we're really good as well that you Barry

I think it's just the green chillies and

garlic and then a little bit of

sweetness to balance plus salt and fish

sauce the biggest reason why those tiger

prawns are so good is because of their

texture is because of their napkin is

because they're wild tiger prawns rather

than farmed which is so common

throughout Thailand but yeah they're

wild and you taste that especially in

the texture and the sweetness and the

muscular nest I'm to try some more of

the other shrimp dish which is called

plaque goon which is uh it's it is I

guess it's a it's like a mixture it's a

salad they boil ansed the shrimp then

they mixed in he finely chopped up the

lemongrass there's some different herbs

in there they added in some shallots

some roasted chili paste and then just

mix that all up


and these shrimp are are not too shabby

either but after eating them after those

ones they look like they look shrimpy

they look tiny

so thank you as aggression the lumen got

to know the Chili's the shallot a little

bit sweet spicy and like full of herbs

and lemongrass

I couldn't really taste that the flavor

of potatoes please

no like smooth





the herbs in the lemongrass enough okay

next up for the cuttlefish look it it's

so beautiful through the way they've cut

it the way they've sliced him and when

he grilled it he did put little like

ridges into it little cuts in it to make

it cook better I believe when they

served it then they cut it in the same

places to just make it easy to get so

you get rings yeah just go for or pick

it up with your finger see I think it's

better give it in the sauce but not but

then it snaps it's like a chewiness only

laughs for a second I think I have to do

with number one the quality of it number

two the way they cook it and number

through the way they like scored a rim

to give it that texture and it's so

silky and texture - mmm yeah that's like

some of the best cuttlefish she'll ever

have and yes you just lightly marinated

it so like most of the sauce I mean it

remains like pure cuttlefish taste just

with the sauce how do many of them

I think it's one of the best feels like

we should be on the seen you somewhere

mm-hmm and we have a whole another side

of that fish

which I'm very happy about I mean I got

out the ratio of how much of garlic

there is in there

garlic chilies lime you want this fish

to Reese wim3 swim in this us you want

as much of that soup as you can get her

bite you want to maximize that soup is

so pure like is the perfect ratio


actually just a little bit I'm gonna add

a little more choice on to here to him

from this dish okay there we go that is

a that is a perfect layered bite of

chilies garlic and seaboots us there if

I have to follow such genius look at

that look at that bite cheers dude

that's just like what's even more flavor

because then you get the brightness like

that is the acidity of a sauce exactly

okay we gotta move on to that to the

crab oh okay

final dish we have to try is the book

icon which is the crab rock crab

marinated in two shots another like

salty things and then just fully

drenched in the seafood sauce usually

it's even kind of served kind of frozen

so you almost have like crab lollipops

crab ice cream sometimes it's called but

normally you just pick up one of these

guys I'll go for this because X are just

sprouting and melting the roux is

sprouting and melting black like a grown

good mm-hmm

it is straight-up crab ice cream

slightly frozen it has to be like like

half frozen that's when it's the best

because you get a little bit of like icy

crunch but it's so cold and refreshing

it's so rich like a duck egg yolk but

even richer and then with that spicy

garlicky acidic sauce to an explosion of

a bite and then a secret sauce a bite of

crab glove


raw garlic garage pollution Oh

oh I thought that's a tongue overdose

shagged out I mean what makes this is

the seafood sauce but then of course the

fresh seafood and that's yeah a tasket

it's so refreshing


the only thing I can think of that one

that would be better than eating this

sauce is bathing in it and that would be

the greatest bath of your life okay and

then for dessert

donuts and I'm talking about shrimp

donuts Todman cool so they're made into

a don't doughnut formation it's so

crunchy they're so juicy shrimpy on the

inside this is all I want for dessert

and then this is like a sweet sauce that

you typically get so comforting good the

sauces go to it so it's sweet but salty

which we push off you which contrasts it

and that wraps up oh oh okay they take

so long to cool down because they're so

like stuck out condensed that wraps up

this incredible seafood meal in Bangkok

what's amazing about this place is how

the entire restaurant is run by their

amazing family and you talk to them you

they make they make you feel like you're

part of their family our total bill came

to four thousand four thousand three

hundred fifty baht and then something

that's also awesome that

and he's 20 years old so he said he's

the mayor happy in his model and is that

they all cook but he was the chef for

the meal he did an outstanding job I

fully support him he has a huge future

and yeah he's gonna he's going to be a

force to reckon with with Thai seafood

what an amazing chef yes cool guy

helping my hub thank you very much keep

it up man you're an amazing chef okay so

we have come to the end of that was an

amazing seafood restaurant an amazing

meal and what made the meal for me as

the family the family they're so cool

they actually sit with you they talk

with you they hang out they make the

experience but okay the food thus

antastic the seafood is fresh the

seafood tastes exactly like your in

throught yet you're right in the

neighborhood in the heart of the city of

Bangkok what an experience what a just

wondrous Thai seafood meal in Bangkok

one table big thank you to you for

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